Sky tonight for this month

Friday, June 13, 2014

Full moon on Friday " the 13th" !!!!

Don't miss out !!!
Full moon on Friday " the 13th" !!!!

Friday the 13th is a superstition in western world for no reasons but still the date and the day invoke a sense of fear but here we astronomers are not bogged down by these days and dates but sometimes some interesting coincidence make these days and dates quite memorable, Today 13th June, friday happens to fit in the friday the 13th superstition but on top of that we have a full moon on this day and as the western world has a name for every full moon (though how irrational is the way they name it) and as the June moon does not rise quite high in the skies it is termed as Honey Moon (not to be confused with those nuptial knots kind!!) Lets see how much fun we can get from numbers here. Moon get full today at 4:14 UT (9:44 IST) and lets see when was the last time we had full moon on Friday the 13th and that too in june. Well the date comes to be Friday Jun 13th 1919. Interesting, isnt it? Now lets see when will it be again full moon on Friday the 13th in june? It would be in 2098!!! So lets just enjoy the number game and make astronomy more Fun by sharing these things with your friends and near ones!!! Just make sure that you tell them that Friday the 13th is just a normal day while Erath keeps on going across the sun for Billions of rounds!!!

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